Ashley Black, inventor of the FasciaBlaster system, is a trailblazer in the break out industry soft tissue regeneration (fascia), and a trusted confidante to high-profile athletes, prominent business people, models, Hollywood celebrities, and women seeking to melt away cellulite.

Now, the renowned FasciaBlaster system is coming to Australia in October 2021, offering new options for sports regenerative medicine, regenerative skincare, and preventative medicine.

What should Australia expect when the FasciaBlaster launches this fall? All the amazing benefits and an epic sale for Labor Day to kick things off.

Ashley Black has always been passionate about the field of regenerative medicine, believing that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The rapid rise of her business and its revolutionary products have drawn a number of comparisons to some of the biggest female business leaders in the world. Black owns 100% of her business, making it a unicorn business like other powerhouse females who have gone before her.

Ashley has been compared to Sara Blakely, who founded and created Spanx, a revolutionary shapewear line; and Whitney Wolfe, CEO of Bumble, a dating app designed to empower women. Bumble is a publicly-traded company with a valuation in the billions of dollars.

Ashley Black Establishes has brought clinical benefits into households

The revolutionary FasciaBlaster fills a significant gap in the healthcare market. Typically, to use medical equipment that regenerates tissue, like stem cells, people need to visit an operating room or undergo expensive procedures. Now, thanks to the FasciaBlaster system, this is no longer the case.

People simply need to open the box, oil their bare skin and self massage vigorously. Customers can expect to eradicate cellulite, sculpt and tone abs, loosen their bodies, reduce inflammation, lesson pain and overall look and feel better. These are the benefits of regenerating the soft tissue, which is exactly what the FasciaBlaster system has shown to do in peer reviewed and published science. Not to mention, a million and a half US customers raving about life changing results. Even though the FasciaBlaster system has attracted high-end clients and celebrity buzz, Ashley has never lost sight of helping the average person. That is why the FasciaBlaster is still so affordable. With over 5 million followers, the demand for the FasciaBlaster system has skyrocketed globally, opening the doors to new markets. This includes Australia, which will have access to the FasciaBlaster system starting in October 2021.

The FasciaBlaster is a medical tool that has a unique side effect to regenerating soft tissue, the root cause of cellulite. It has been specifically designed to smooth cellulite in the body in hard to target areas. Cellulite develops when the body's fascia, an important layer of connective tissue, becomes dysfunctional or tethered. The FasciaBlaster regenerates the connective tissue, allowing the skin to lay flat over the muscles. It works for women of all raves, ages and sizes. As the title of Ashleys #1 National best selling book says Its not fat,its fascia.

Aside from aesthetics, regenerating tissue is amazing for all types injury recovery. When somebody suffers an injury or has a muscle imbalance, the body usually replaces this damaged tissue with scar tissue, or thickened connective tissue.The FasciaBlaster system restores scar tissue creating new collagen fibers that are supple and functional.. Therefore, Ashley designed the FasciaBlaster system with this in mind. Replacing scar tissue with fully functional native tissue, can provide dramatic health benefits. This is where the FasciaBLaster system is in a league of its own, because no other tool such as a roller, or percussion gun, or cupping has this result.

Ashley Black offers a direct-to-consumer (DTC) option for those looking to eradicate cellulite and improve tissue quality without having to go to the doctor or set foot in an operating room. As a patented Class 1 medical device, the FasciaBlaster has been carefully reviewed and vetted by researchers in the biomedical industry. The FasciaBlaster can relax sore muscles, relieve muscular pain, and increase blood circulation.

Furthermore, the FasciaBlaster can be used on almost all parts of the body. This includes:

When the FasciaBlaster is applied to these parts of the body, it triggers a reaction, leading to tissue regeneration. The FasciaBlaster seeks to remobilize tissues that might have become tangled or glued down, making it easier for people to play sports, complete their daily routines, and even get out of bed in the morning. By reversing aged or damaged tissue, the FasciaBlaster can help people prevent injuries and recover more quickly.

Ashley keen eye for market opportunities knows that there has been a significant demand for the FasciaBlaster in Australia, and it is coming in October 2021.

Read the original:

Ashley Black, Entrepreneur Of The Year For Health And Beauty, To Launch Best-Selling FasciaBlaster System - LatestLY

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