Scientists Create Synthetic Embryos From Monkey Cells

An image of stem cells on a computer screen from 2010. Stem cells have the potential to develop into various types of cells. Spencer Platt via Getty Images For the first time, scientists have used monkey cells to created embryo-like structureswithout using a sperm, egg or uterus, according to a paper recently published in the journal Cell Stem Cell

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Scientists Target Human Stomach Cells for Diabetes Therapy

Stem cells from the human stomach can be converted into cells that secrete insulin in response to rising blood sugar levels, offering a promising approach to treating diabetes, according to a preclinical study from researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine. In the study, which appeared April 27 in Nature Cell Biology, the researchers showed that they could take stem cells obtained from human stomach tissue and reprogram them directlywith strikingly high efficiencyinto cells that closely resemble pancreatic insulin-secreting cells known as beta cells

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Functional Evaluation of Human Embryos Donated for the Purpose of …

The following is a summary of Functional assessment of donated human embryos for the generation of pluripotent embryonic stem cell lines, published in the March 2023 issue of Reproductive Biomedicine Online by Ceschin et al. Is it possible for blastocysts with genetic abnormalities and poor morphological quality, which have been donated for research purposes, to serve as a dependable source of human embryonic stem cell (HESC) lines

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Advances in stem cell and other therapies for Huntington’s … – PubMed

Huntington's disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by an autosomal dominant mutation leading to an abnormal CAG repeat expansion. The result is the synthesis of a toxic misfolded protein, called the mutant huntingtin protein (mHTT). Most current treatments are palliative, but the latest research has expanded into multiple modalities, including stem cells, gene therapy, and even the use of 3D cell structures, called organoids.

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