Baby stem cells in general and umbilical cord stem cells in particular are cells with unique properties; they are able to divide and differentiate into any other kind of cell found in our body thus playing an important role in our growth and wellbeing, from the day of our inception. In adult life, they play a vital role in the regeneration of various organs and tissues. As we grow, some organs retain more capabilities to regenerate as compared to others, all due to stem cells.

Just take an example of red and white blood cells that are continually created in our body via maturation of specific stem cells in bone marrow. But now we know that almost all of our body organs retain the certain capability to grow and renew. Thus these stem cells play a very important role in the internal, automated repair system. Since our body is able to replenish the dying cell, we are able to live and survive.

During the very early stages of differentiation, each stem cell has the capability to either become another stem cell, or it can mature into the more specialized cell like that of muscles, blood, or brain.

Yes, stem cells have many similarities to the common understanding of word seed. Thus stem cells are not specialized cells; they can divide quickly, and sometimes even after an extended period of inactivity (quite like a seed). Further, if stimulated by certain chemical messengers, they may be induced to specialize into a particular tissue or organ cells.

Some organs are particularly rich in stem cells, specifically the organs that are continually involved in various growth and repair processes, like blood and gut. While other organs that are less prone to wear and tear, stem cells are fewer in numbers, and they are only activated under particular conditions, an example of such organs being heart or brain.

Two of the earliest stem cells known to science are embryonic stem cells and somatic or adult stem cells. Researchers first isolated the stem cells from the mouse embryo, and later they replicated their method with a human embryo to get human embryonic stem cells. By late 1990 to early 2000s, they were able to find the means to reproduce these stem cells in laboratory conditions.

Scientists were highly interested in stem cells due to their ability to convert into cells of any other tissues or organs. Once the method to replicate in the lab was found, the problem of quantity was also solved to some extent. Traditionally embryonic stem cells are considered to be more versatile, as they are omnipotent, meaning they can be converted to any tissue cells, while adult cells have limited such capabilities.

Embryonic stem cells were derived after fertilizing the donated ovum and spermatozoid in laboratory conditions. In 2006, researchers achieved another breakthrough when they were genetically able to reprogram the adult stem cell to create an induced pluripotent stem cell. It means that genetic engineering allowed to better the quality and versatility of adult stem cells, providing it the ability to grow into just any other tissue cells.

Importance of stem cells can be understood from the fact that they are the cells that divide and differentiate in the embryo to give rise to all the organs. As we grow, only limited capabilities are retained. Thus if the liver is damaged, it can still repair itself, though capabilities of such repair are insufficient in some cases. Therefore by better understanding the stem cells and learning to manipulate them, the researcher wants to gain the better abilities to repair and regrow damaged organs in humans. The science which studies the stem cells with the purpose of re-growing or regenerating organs is called regenerative medicine.

After isolating these stem cells from various resources, scientists are trying to find the factors that stimulate these cells to grow and differentiate into a particular tissue. Moreover, these laboratory-expanded organ tissues can be used in drug research and understanding various genetic diseases.

Branch of the study of stem cells is helping us to discover many secrets of our body; it is helping us to find out how the single cells are transformed into the wholly grown huge organisms. Thus no doubt the stem cell research can be called as most promising, fascinating area of medicine. Research into stem cells is generating new health solutions each year. It wont be wrong to call it as one of the fastest growing areas of medicine.

Further, researchers are trying to identify the newer sources of these stem cells, resources with fewer ethical issues in comparison to the human embryo, or source that is less traumatic in contrast to bone marrow.

Umbilical cord blood, which is usually rejected and thrown away as medical waste, has emerged one such excellent source of stem cells, hence called umbilical cord stem cells.

Before we dive deep into the subject of umbilical cord stem cells, let us gain deeper insight into some of the unique properties of stem cells, the features that make all the stem cells, including umbilical cord stem cells, so unique.

All stem cells have three unique properties, which make them so versatile. Whatever be the source, embryo, umbilical cord blood, or bone marrow, Firstly, all the stem cells have the ability to divide and renew themselves. Secondly, they are not specialized. Thirdly, when required, they can differentiate to form the specialized cells.

Simply explained, one stem cell can divide and form several similar stem cells, and when required these cells can differentiate to form just any cell in our body whether neuron or muscles cells.

Stem cells can replicate for extended periods just take an example of a neuron or muscular cells, though they can grow and repair themselves to some extent, but none of these cells can replicate (like a bacteria) to create another copy. However, stem cells have that ability to divide and create the replica of themselves. In fact, scientists can now develop millions of cells from the single cell.

Researchers know that the cells derived from an embryo can not only multiply but can also differentiate to form just any other tissue cells. Thus they are called pluripotent. Whereas, stem cell extracted from body parts of adults may differentiate into many different kinds, but not just to any other type. Thus they are called multipotent.

Though now the researchers know that almost every organ has the small population of stem cells, but what makes them grow and differentiate is still poorly understood. However, such understanding is vital if we want to grow various tissues in the lab conditions successfully. What researchers know that these stem cells need special chemical messengers and environment. As an example, muscle cells would repair itself better when the concentration of oxygen is high. However, stem cells generally love to grow in low oxygen (hypoxic) environment. These differences between the matured cells and stem cells, just underline the complexity of the subject.

Thus scientists are trying to understand:

Thus understanding these differences between the normal tissue cells, adult stem cells, and pluripotent stem cells would help researchers to find treatment for diseases like cancer. It would also help them to grow pluripotent and multipotent stem cells in lab condition in more controlled fashion.

Understanding the conditions under which stem cells can grow without differentiating has been really challenging. It took researchers more than two decades to replicate the stem cells in laboratory conditions. However, researchers are still not able to replicate the adult stem cells in lab conditions. Until they learn to reproduce the adult stem cells in lab conditions, growing particular organ tissues in large quantities artificially, wont be possible.

Stem cells do not specialize in performing specific functions yes, they are merely like seeds, with not much in common with specialized cells of the grown-up plant. As seed cells lack the properties of leaves or bark, but they can still be grown and later specialized to form these specialized cells. Similarly, stem cell by itself cannot do the specialized work of adult cells. It cannot contract like muscular cells; it cannot conduct like nerve cells; it cannot produce certain hormones like a cell in glands. Yet, under specific conditions, it can give rise to any of them, it can get converted to the muscular cells, nerve cells, or glandular cells.

Stem cells may outgrow into just any specialized cell yes they have the so-called ability to differentiate. That is, they are not only able to multiply a create the exact copies of each other, they can also If and when required, under specific conditions can convert themselves into specialized cells. Differentiation of stem cells is a very complicated process, involving many stages before they are fully matured to do a specific function. Researchers are just starting to understand how these stem cells differentiate into other cells.

Stem cells get information regarding differentiation from the DNA, but how and when they read the particular part of DNA and carry out the function of differentiation is controlled by the chemical messengers, other signals from neighboring cells, and microenvironment (like the presence of specific nutrients).

The signals from outside play particular role, as they suppress the certain parts or DNA while activating other parts. But what exactly is the nature of these external signals has still to be understood, if we want to grow the various body tissues in laboratory conditions.

Generally, adult stem cells would only give rise to the cells that are found in the particular organ from which they have been extracted, or at best to tissues that are somehow related to that organ. Thus the cell derived from bone marrow called hematopoietic stem cells would give rise to all the blood cells, but they may not give rise to the brain cells or neurons.

Can the adult stem cells be made to differentiate to just any other cells remain a subject of enormous debate among the scientific community. It seems that although it does not seem to happen in our body but under experimental conditions in the lab that may be entirely possible. Again this debate in scientific community just highlights the complexity of the subject.

Initially, researchers thought that stem cells are found only in some specific parts of the body, and quite probably they may not be present after the specified age. However, now the research has proven that stem cells are present in just any part of our body whether it is guts or nostrils or muscles. Further, these stem cells are present in any age group, since few days after the inception.

Thus stem cells can be extracted from the 3-5-days old embryo, from the umbilical cord, bone marrow to name the few. Techniques to isolate the adult stem cells from various body tissues are being developed.

Among various sources of stem cells, embryo stem cells have fallen into huge controversy for religious and ethical regions. They are extracted after artificial fertilization of a female ovum and male spermatozoid. Many in the society view it as an experiment on the very early form of life. Thus various countries went on to create laws are regulation, banning such experiments, and the United States is no exception. The United States still lacks clear legislation regarding the research into the subject of stem cells, which is hindering various research efforts, or some of the labs have gone on to create their research labs in offshore heavens. Discussing the ethical issues is not the subject of this article. However, it does show why the umbilical cord stem cells have gained such importance.

Although there is no doubt in the so-called superiority of embryonic cells, due to being pluripotent, but because of the lesser ethical issue, stem cells extracted after birth have been less criticized. Thus the multipotent cells derived from bone marrow or umbilical cord blood continue to enjoy wider acceptance, thus becoming a subject of more extensive clinical research. One of the reasons why adult stem cells have gained better approval and had lesser controversy is due to the proven benefit associated with them. First bone marrow transplantation was done in the 1960s, and since then it has saved thousands of lives. In fact, due to the benefits of bone marrow cells, the first national registry was established in 1986.

But there are several limitations of the adult stem cells derived from the bone marrow of the adults. The procedure of such extraction is highly invasive and painful. Moreover, the number of stem cells decline sharply with age. Further these cells have limited capability to differentiate, and finally, researchers have failed to divide them much in laboratory conditions. Thus mesenchymal stem cells derived from bone marrow cease to divide after 5-10 passages.

In the last couple of decades, along with the many innovations in the field of regenerative medicine, umbilical cord blood has received lots of attention as a source of various, therapeutically valuable stem cells. These cells from umbilical cord, called umbilical cord stem cells can be used to treat many diseases, and in many cases, it can replace the use of bone marrow.

Umbilical cord blood has many benefits over bone marrow, as these cells are less mature. Thus they demonstrate less antigenicity, meaning that there is no need for perfect HLA tissue matching. Hence they can be even given to the close relatives or unknown recipients, through donation, with the much lesser risk of rejection.

Today there may be as many as million or more units of cord blood stored in various public and private cord blood banks, thus providing a vast pool of umbilical cord stem cells for research and treatment. Much of that treatment is funded by private companies., such as StemCyte, ViaCord, CBR, FamilyCord, Maze, LifeBankUSA, and others.

Hematopoietic cells are being studied to treat various autoimmune diseases, which are rising in the western world and the United States particularly, where the best cord blood banks are located.

Umbilical cord blood is rich in many adult stem cells with hematopoietic cells being just one of them. Another very important cells that are subject to intensive research are so-called mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). These cells can be used to repair bones, cartilages and other body tissues.

Mesenchymal stromal cells( MSCs) are found in large quantities in bone marrow, and in much lower amounts in the blood, adipose tissues. MSCs have been isolated from the umbilical cord blood, amniotic fluid, and other tissues that are discarded after the birth of the child. Extraction of mesenchymal stromal cells from these sources have been shown to be more economical in comparison to bone marrow, not to mention the complete lack of invasiveness of such method.

Collection of MSCs from umbilical cord stem cells does not cause any harm to the mother or a child. Theoretically, cells collected in this manner can be stored for decades and used later as per the needs. Cryogenic storage has demonstrated that these cells remain valid even after decades of storage, despite the high costs incurred in private cord blood banks.

Latest research into the MSCs (mesenchymal stromal cells) indicates that these cells can readily differentiate into bone cells (osteoblasts), fat tissues (adipocytes), and cartridge cells (chondroblasts), in vitro. Further investigation into their so-called surface markers indicated that MSCs whether extracted from umbilical blood, umbilical cord tissues, amniotic fluid, or placenta, all shared the similar characteristics. In practice, it means that MSCs can be obtained not only from the umbilical cord but from all the materials that are usually discarded after the birth of a child.

But perhaps the most prominent part of research in recent times has focused on so-called umbilical cord matrix (UCM) cells. These cells are found in large numbers in Whartons jelly of the umbilical cord. Though they are slightly different from MSCs, but they are still classified as MSCs like cells. UCMs have been successfully stored for long periods, expanded in culture to create more substantial quantities.

So what is interesting about these umbilical cord stem cells? Perhaps the most important of all has been the discovery of neural cell markers on the UCMs. In layman language it means that unlike MSCs, UCMs may also differentiate to form neurons, thus in future, they may have a role in the treatment of various neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimers or Parkinsons.

Whether UCMs are MSCs like cells or they are entirely different is still a matter of much debate, with the present understanding it wont be possible to say for sure.

Till now we have discussed the general characteristics of the stem cells, their possible usage in the medicine, along with some of the types of cells that have been found in this material that is typically discarded after the childbirth.

At present two types of cell derived from umbilical cord have been extensively studied, and are already being used to treat many medical conditions. These two cells with enormous potential are hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), and mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). HSCs are essential for the continual renewal of blood and immune cells. It is due to these HSCs that our red blood cells are wholly renewed within three months. Hence, HSCs can be used in cases when natural stores of these cells in bone marrow have eroded be it due to some disease, or toxicity of anticancer treatment.

Umbilical cord blood stem cells can be easily frozen-stored in private and public banks for decades, as we stated before. Whereas cord blood cell banking is commonly available in the US, there is still a deficit of such banks in the developing nations. Further, it has been seen that willingness to donate cord stem cells decrease after each delivery due to costs and other factors. Also, amniotic fluid is something that is entirely discarded, without even considering its value in stem cell therapy.

Umbilical cord stem cells are indeed an excellent option in a situation when there is lack of donors with fully matched HLA.

Some of the significant challenges with umbilical cord stem cells is their small quantity. This difficults the creation of many different samples. However, things may change in the future as technology to artificially replicate them in lab conditions matures. Another challenge with cord stem cells is the risk of propagation of certain types of infections.

Amniotic fluid stem cells have been successfully converted into supplements providing various factors necessary for the growth of tissues, and thus having a possible role in the production of biocompatible patches for various tissue defects like congenital heart defects of the newborn.

Amniotic fluid stem cells have already been converted to pluripotent stem cells; thus in future, these cells may be used to treat numerous diseases.

UCBs extracted from Whartons jelly have already been transdifferentiated into beta-cells (insulin-producing cells in the pancreas). Further, these beta cells have already with great success been transplanted into the animal model, thus raising the hope of finding a cure for diabetes, one of the many uses for cord blood.

Cells extracted from Whartons Jelly have demonstrated the excellent potential to differentiate into various types of cells. Thus they seem to be an ideal candidate for regenerative medicine in the future.

MSCs derived from Whartons jelly are showing promising results in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. In fact, these cells have already been tested in phase 1 and phase 2 trials in humans with excellent results. They were either injected intravenous or intrapancreatic in those who have diabetes.

Stem cells extracted from umbilical cord, already also described as umbilical cord stem cells, have intensively tested in diseases like lupus. Intravenous injection of MSCs has shown to significantly correct the immune system in lupus, reverse many of the effects of lupus. Further, they have been shown to protect patients from the relapse of the disease, thus opening the doors for continuing research or use of umbilical cord cells in autoimmune diseases.

If you still have doubts about the utility of collecction of the umbilical cord stem cells, we may say that all the evidence suggests that umbilical cord stems cell may have a role to play in brain injuries, caused by various neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimers. At present most of the neurodegenerative diseases are untreatable, with therapy only helping a bit to slow down the course of illness. Umbilical cord stem cells are much more primitive when compared to bone marrow stem cells. Thus they are much easier to use in regenerative medicine, without the need of full donor-recipient matching in neurodegeneration or injury.

Brain injuries that cause the formation of cavities in the brain can also be treated with umbilical cord stem cells.

Umbilical cord stem cells are also showing excellent results in neuronal damage due to chemotherapy and radiation therapy of various types of cancers, more arguments that show the importance of cord blood banking.

In animal models, umbilical cord stem cells have been successfully tested to repair torn tendons. In the rabbit, these cells were injected at the site of the lacerated ligament, as within four weeks there was a complete recovery.

Transplantation of umbilical cord stem cells in the damaged joints resulted in regrowth of cartilage, thus indicating that these cells could be a candidate for treating joint-related conditions due to injuries of cartilage and ligaments.

Umbilical cord stem cells have also been tested to treat the rare but dangerous condition of pregnant women called preeclampsia. In the animal models, transplantation of these cells resulted in dramatically reduced toxicity and correction of hypertension.

Finally, not to mention that umbilical cord stem cells are already being used with great success to treat various blood cancers. They have also shown encouraging results in the treatment of lymphoma. In Hodgkins disease, they increase the chances of long-term survival by as much as 30%.

The mentioned above are just some of the uses of umbilical cord stem cells, but things are changing at a breakneck pace in the field of stem cell therapy. Hundreds of new applications are being found on a daily basis. Stem cell therapy is considered to be the future of modern medicine. It will help us to move from One size fits all towards the personalized health solutions.

The 20th century was the century of so-called small molecules, that is synthetic drugs that were created to treat diseases of masses, but at the same time 20th century saw the rise of so-called large molecules that were biological in nature, like vaccines, antibodies and so on. However, medicine in the 21st century would be transformed by a better understanding of cell science. It would move on from therapies based on chemicals or biological molecules to the cells, the cells that can cure any disease, regenerate the damaged organs. Umbilical cord stem cells would play a significant role in the progress of regenerative medicine, as they are derived from the material which has been discarded by humans for thousands of years. Thus it is clear that biological material collected after childs birth would no more end up in biohazardous waste bags. Instead, it would become the life-saving material.

Stem cell therapy tries to bring organ into its healthy and normal state through regeneration. Stem cell therapy is fast emerging due to many benefits over the organ transplantation like the ability to grow and multiply cells in the laboratory, lower chances or rejection, and treatment is often less invasive. Thus, stem cell therapy has provided the new hope to treat a disease that has remained a challenge for modern medicine since long, like many types of cancers, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, diabetes, various cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, and treatment of trauma. Stem cell therapy is now being extensively used to treat multiple hematological malignancies. Best of all, it is finding newer used with each passing year. It is one of the fastest growing branches of medicine, with many calling it the future of medicine.

It is now well recognized that stem cells have the capability of self-renewal and differentiation. Back in 1978, stem cells were initially discovered in the blood of the umbilical cord, and called umbilical cord stem cells afterwards.

Use of umbilical cord stem cells started in the late 1980s when it was found the umbilical cord which is a discarded material has many useful cells that can be used instead of painful and complicated bone marrow transplantation. Thus initially it was planned to be used to treat various diseases of the blood. However, with the early 21st century everything changed as stem cell therapy became a reality.

Since the early eighties, a lot of effort was made to understand the basic principles of stem cell differentiation processes with the milestone to improve and potentially cure conditions for which medical science has not yet produced effective therapeutic solutions. This led to the development of a relatively new field of medical science called regenerative medicine. Today, the research focused on stem cells has grown dramatically, which opened new pathways towards the engineering of healthy and functional tissues and organs by using only a few cells. Furthermore, regenerative medicine led to the rapid development of other medical disciplines such as transplantation medicine, where tissue-engineered skin is used in patients suffering from extensive burns; hematopoietic stem cells are used during bone marrow transplantation in patients suffering from hematologic malignancies; or tissue-engineered bladder that is grown outside the body can be replaced in patients who need bladder augmentation. The evolving role of stem cells is also developing along the line of pharmaceutical research. Differentiated engineered tissues are used for preclinical, in vitro studies of disease models during drug development.

Umbilical cord tm cells transplants have ufull trtd mn diseases nd debilitating conditions. Stem ll harvested frm umbilil rd bld f a nwbrn bb can develop into n t f rgn r tiu such liver, hrt and neural cells. Th n l rir tiu and rgn damaged b strokes and hrt ttk.

Umbilil rd tm cells r commonly ud to trt hildhd leukaemia for mn r. However, only in recent years tht dult with lukmi have been successfully trtd with trnlnttin f umbilical rd tm cells frm unrltd dnr. One i tht f Sthn Srgu wh w dignd with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) in 1995. Chmthr only kt nr undr ntrl fr 17 months. In Aril 1997, h w in th finl tg of th di. H tk rt in a linil trial t determine if adequate amount of rd bld tm cells uld be harvested for a successful transplantation to n dult. In Nvmbr 1997, h undrwnt a cord bld stem ll trnlnt nd h bn cancer fr fr vr 20 r so far.

In Kr, a tm f rrhr limd t hv successfully trnlntd umbilil rd tm ll int the in of a 37-r ld wmn. The tint hd bn rlzd fr 19 r du to an accident. Dtr injected them these umbilical cordtm ll directly int th dmgd rtin f hr in. Within only thr wk, she bgn walking itd with a wlkr, and td she wlk wll withut id.

Great promise has bn hwn in th trtmnt f Krbb Disease nd thr rare lysosomal trg diseases thrugh the trnlnttin of umbilical rd stem ll. Krabbe di ur in infnt, and if lft untrtd i usually ftl within 2 r. Rrhr frm Duk Univrit nd th Univrit of Nrth Crlin at Chapel Hill hv made groundbreaking progress in the trtmnt f thi di.

Thir research shows that nwbrn who receive umbilil rd stem cells trnlnt while th are till mtmti hv a muh highr hn of urvivl than children wh hv already hwn symptoms. The key i t th the disease rl enough t rvnt th l f ritil brin function.

Umbilil cord tm lls transplant h bn rvn t trt Lmhrlifrtiv di. Thi illness is a rr condition tht affects the immun tm nd mk the tint unbl to fight ff common grm. Brthr Blk and Garrett of L Angl, Clifrni w brn with this life-threatening disease. Thnk t a rd bld trnlnt, bth b are now living normal, hlth lives.

Thlmi i a bld di in which th bd produces dfrmd rd bld ll. Frunt bld transfusions are nr nd rviul th nl ur w a bone mrrw trnlnt. On 3 Jul 2001, a rd blood stem ll trnlnt was carried out n a 5-year ld Mlin Chinese boy with Thlmi Major. H i nw able t rdu nrml rd bld cells and is cured of Thlmi Major. Bid bone mrrw trnlnt frm a ibling, rd bld trnlnt i nw a vibl trtmnt for Thlmi.

Umbilil rd bld from nwbrn babies n be ud t rdu mbrni-lik ll that n potentially treat diseases nd dbilitting nditin.

Rrhr t th University f Minnt have bn bl t diffrntit rd blood ll int a type of lung cell. These ll hl t rir th irw in lung after injur. Thi i a ignifint divr because until now the use f brin tm ll w th nl w to conduct viable rrh of this t. In the future, rrhr might b bl to xmin rd bld frm bbi with lung di uh as cystic fibri and dvl bttr treatments. Th will b bl t work with umbilical rd stem cells t bttr understand lung development nd to tt nw drug.

Recent rrh indicates tht mnhml tm cells btind frm full-term umbilil rd blood n potentially be ud to rir tissue nd dvl bone nd cartilage. A a result, tint n rvr ftr, thu rvnting kidney mlitin riing frm tiu dmg. These finding bring new h to th wh suffer frm ut kidney filur, a lif-thrtning nditin. Acute rnl filur occurs whn th kidn are unbl to gt rid of waste and urine. Rrhr in Italy trtd mice with acute renal filur uing cord blood mnhml stem cells nd brvd imrvd kidn functions. These rliminr findings hw tht umbilical cord tm cells rrh ffr grt tntil for the treatment of ut kidn failure. Hwvr, mr rrh is ruird to determine if humans would bnfit from mnhml stem ll.

Luu i a di tht fft mr thn 1.5 millin Americans and half a million citizens in the European Union. It i an inflammatory di that fft the kin, joints nd kidneys. Lupus can be lif-thrtning whn it attacks major rgn such as the kidneys. Stm ll trnlnt is used t treat tint with vr lupus. In a study f 50 tint wh undrwnt tm ll trnlnt at Northwestern Hitl in Chig, 50 percent were fr from the disease ftr fiv years. Th overall urvivl rate i 84%. Stm ll trnlnttin offers a r f h t luu uffrr wh hv fild nvntinl treatments.

Umbilical cord tm cells rrh overcomes most f the problems itd with mbrni tm ll rrh. The latter comes undr muh rutin and dbt. It is hrd to btin uffiint stem cells from mbr nd the right tiu t for a patient.

Crd bld tm ll can b produced nd thr is mr liklihd f finding the right tissue t givn a birth rt of 100 millin bbi a r wrldwid. Umbilical crd tm cells science brkthrugh will undubtdl lt furthr rrh t find ur fr wht hd rviul bn inurbl di r dbilitting nditin.

With th dvnmnt f stem ll rrh, th futur of cord bld trnlnt lk rmiing as more f it tntil u are discovered. Mn people uffring frm rr di nd dbilitting injuries hv bn bl t lead bttr quality liv fllwing an umbilical rd bld tm ll trnlnt.

Hdrhlu i a nditin tht causes fluid retention in th brin. For thi rn, thi di is l called wtr n th brin. In Hydrocephalus, the fluid f the brin ld to swelling, which i minl caused due t a blkg of the vntril in th brain, th r whr th brain fluid drains. In thr words, whn a hild brin tnd to umult n bnrml dgr f rbrinl fluid, it leads t n immn rur on th brin tissues. Eventually, it causes wlling of th head in rdr to accommodate th xtr brain fluid.

Pditri Hydrocephalus in children i th leading ftr fr ditri brin surgeries in th United States nd the shocking rt i, the condition occurs in 1 in 500 kids. Tht mk Hdrhlu as mmn Downs ndrm. There is no ur fr th condition, f nw apart frm drining th x fluid t rliv rur by surgical procedures. If remained untrtd for a long tim, it m u vr pain, mntl disabilities, brain dmg and vn dth.

Grace, a baby girl w brn with thi condition. Hr rnt were alerted but th condition in their 20-wk ultrasound in. However, doctors hd urd thm tht th wlling can be trtd with tm ll. Seeing a r f h, Graces parents didd to store nd rrv the cord blood t th time f Gr birth. Dr Jnn Kurtzbrg, the Dirtr f Duk Pediatric Bn Mrrw nd Transplant program ld th .

The FDA-approved tud invlvd rrving the rd blood at a frzing tmrtur f -300F in a thermogenic liuid nitrogen frzr. Abut 3-5 z rd bld w tkn w frm th frzr after 90 minut. It w kt for the infusion. In the 3-5 z of rd bld, about 20 rgnitr cells, which was xlind b Dr Kurtzberg , h a tndn t diffrntit into a ifi t f cell, but i lrd mr ifi than a tm ll nd i uhd t diffrntit int its trgt cell. Sin h t t figure out hw to separate th cells from th other millin f ll, Kurtzbrg ddd. The urgr tk 5 t 7 minut and it w a success.

The Duk Univrit rrhr have tkn mn t trt Hdrhlu. The min id i to look int the rgnrtiv imt n th brin bld vl by uing a hild wn rd bld tm ll, lltd from th umbilil cord during birth.

The study demonstrated tht th nurl progenitor ll tht rfrm a ifi function n also repair n damaged tiu.

Hypoxic-ischemic nhlth i minl ud b oxygen deprivation, which leads to brin dmg in children. This di i often associated with several motor impairment and cognitive and dvlmntl dirutin during th dvlmnt rid f a child. However, a Duk Univrit Mdil Center tud hd shown tht umbilical cord tm lls thr uld b bnfiil fr hildrn with hxi-ihmi nhlth.

Th tud w lunhd with 52 hildrn with ign f brin dmg in Jnur 2008. It tk 9 years to mlt th h 1 f the tud. Lt dig dr into th rrh.

Th infnt, who were enrolled in th tud, wr in thir first 14 tntl d. And all f them hd dignd with mdrt t vr hxi-ihmi encephalopathy. Mr imrtntl, ll f thm hv their own umbilical rd bld trd during birth. Infnt, wh met ll these ritri, received four infuin of thir wn umbilil cord bld tm cells. The d w dtrmind by th quantity of rd blood, vilbl fr th babies. Hwvr, th d for h infuin w 5107 cells/kg. The bbi wnt thrugh fllw up hku ftr 4 t 6 nd 9 to 12 mnth. Their MRI hwd ignifint dvlmnt.

Anthr tud on th imilr subject w ublihd in PubMed NCBI. This tud w l bd n utlgu umbilil rd tm ll to treat hxi-ihmi nhlth. Children with vr to mdrt hxi-ihmi encephalopathy wr enrolled fr thi rrh. All f them hd rivd on utlgu umbilical cord tm ll. Th wr givn 4 doses f infusion. The team mnitrd ll infusion hrtriti, UCB lltin, nd pre and t-infuin differences. Th also mrd th hitl utm with hildrn, wh did not hv available tm ll.

Aftr 4 d f 4.3 mL infuin, the hildrn wr xmind in order t mnitr vitl ign. One f th min ign, oxygen drivtin w ntid t b th m r and post-infusion in the first 48 hours. Hwvr, th utm showed ignifint imrvmnt with a r f >85 later.

S, its hwn tht ritil di lik hypoxic-ischemic nhlth can b trtd with umbilil rd tm cells.


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Umbilical Cord Stem Cells Medical Society

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