Its Friday! Since most of our news consumption consists of bad news, especially during this time with a pandemic, rioting, protests, murder hornets, alcoholic killer monkeys, meth gators, and squirrels carrying the Bubonic Plague. I wanted to take the time to offer up some non-political positive and good news. Something that can inspire us or, at the very least, make us smile.

Read this great article at CBS News, an excerpt:

Odin Frost and Jordan Granberry were both given low survival rates when they were born with brain damage. The two best friends, who both have special needs, grew up side-by-side in Tyler, Texas. Some doctors thought they wouldnt live very long but they proved them wrong. Earlier this month, the two 18-year-olds received their high school diplomas together.

A picture of the best friends below:

Read the rest.

Read this positive story:

With only $7 to her name and bills past due, Shetara Sims, a single mother who lost her job a month ago due to the coronavirus pandemic, found a $1 bill in a grocery store parking lot and bought a scratch-off ticket, winning $100.

Her 12-year-old daughter, Rakiya Edmonson, suggested they donate the money to a Kansas City, Missouri, police officer who was shot in the line of duty on July 2. The officer has remained in intensive care.

Read the rest.


Juan Manuel Ballesterosailed on his own from Portugal to Argentina after international flights were canceled due to COVID-19 so he could be with his father on his 90th birthday.

It was difficult trip, but 5,600 miles and 85 days later he made it and was reunited with his father. Watch his interview with EWTN below:

4. Hard Work and Perseverance Pays Off

Rehan Stanton got up at 4:00 am every day to collect trash. He was just accepted to Harvard Law School. Watch his inspiring story below:

Listen to this (fairly) new song, I Choose to Worship from Rend Collective.

Have good or positive news that you would like to share? Drop me a line at[emailprotected]for your story to possibly be shared in next weeks Friday Five.

Continued here:

Friday Five Items of Good News (Vol. 11) - Caffeinated Thoughts

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